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Acteur dans 2 films

Marcel Hanoun

Acteur dans


  • He Stands in a Desert Counting the Seconds of His Life


  • Le journal d'un suicidé
  • A participé à

    • Marcel Hanoun, cinexperimentaux
    • L'étonnement
    • La nuit claire
    • L'automne
    • L'hiver
Marcel Hanoun was born in 1928 in Tunisia. A photographer and journalist, he has directed, since 1955, many significant works in the history of the creation of filmic forms. An essayist on cinema as well, Hanoun co-founded several critical reviews in the 60s and 70s. This engaged creator is cameraman and editor of most of his films. His body of work is at once subversive and ascetic, known throughout the world, and respected by many great artists. "The strength of contemporary experimental cinema has encouraged us to meet and to film the most active filmmakers, distributors, movers and shakers in this art form. This developed into a number of autonomous portraits, forming a series demonstrating the plurality of approaches and practices in experimental film. Our independent productions introduce or complement the works of the artists, technicians, distributors and programmers who participate in the life of contemporary art cinema." Frederique Devaux and Michel Amarger. Film Listing: Cinex #6: Marcel Hanoun (Frederique Devaux, Michel Amarger, 2003, 68 mins), Des Hommes Qui Ont Perdu Racines (Marcel Hanoun, 15 mins), Je Meurs De Vivre (Marcel Hanoun, 50 mins).

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