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Acteur dans 3 films

Né(e) le 30 mai 1933

Lieu de naissance
Rome - Italy

Mort le 11 octobre 2005 (à 72 ans)

Sergio Citti

Acteur dans


  • Così venne ucciso Pasolini


  • La cabine des amoureux


  • Accattone
  • A participé à

    • Baciami piccina
    • Fratella e sorello
    • Cartoni Animati
    • Mortacci
    • Sogni e bisogni
    • Il minestrone
(30 May 1933 – 11 October 2005) Italian film director and screenwriter, born in Rome. He often worked with Pier Paolo Pasolini, but also worked for others such as Ettore Scola. His own films include We Free Kings, for which he won a Silver Ribbon for Best Original Story. His 1981 film Il minestrone was entered into the 31st Berlin International Film Festival. His 1977 film Beach House was shown as part of a retrospective on Italian comedy at the 67th Venice International Film Festival. He was the brother of actor Franco Citti.

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